
Janine Armocida is a Nurse Continence Specialist and Maternal Child Health Nurse at the National Continence Helpline 1800 33 00 66. She shared her expertise with Kidspot on a common issue faced by parents and carers – when a child seems scared of the toilet.
Mother’s Day is a reminder to think about the health of mums around Australia. Women who have had children are overrepresented in the statistics of people affected by urinary and faecal incontinence.
‘You will be ok’: Amy’s prolapse story six years on. Amy Dawes is the CEO and Co-Founder of the Australasian Birth Trauma Association. She shares the emotions and challenges of her birth experience, diagnosis and how far she has come since her diagnosis six years ago.
Dr Lori Shore, Senior Clinical Psychologist at Caulfield Hospital Continence Service, shares some of the ways a psychologist can help with the impacts of incontinence
Pelvic health through life: menopause. As you go through life, your body changes with you. Read to find out how significant life events can mean different things for bladder, bowel and pelvic health.
Women: get to know your pelvic floor. You can’t see them, but your pelvic floor muscles are working hard to help your body with bladder and bowel control, sexual function, and abdominal (tummy) and spine support.
Are you experiencing leakage during exercise? It could be that the pelvic floor muscles aren’t supportive enough during the landing phase, the muscles get too tired, or the other tissues supporting the bladder and other pelvic organs (ligaments and fascia) are too lax.
Janie Thompson is the Continence Foundation of Australia’s Clinical Services Manager, leading the National Continence Helpline. In this Helpline Q&A, Janie answers three key questions about mental health and bladder, bowel and pelvic health.
What does prolapse feel like? About half of all women who have had a child have some level of prolapse. Not all have symptoms – we know one in five of these women seek medical help.
‘Is this life now?’: Tash’s experience of faecal incontinence. Six months after giving birth to her daughter in February 2020, 28-year-old Tash found herself in a huge panic about the future.
There’s a lot to take in when making treatment choices for your bladder, bowel and pelvic health. Remember, it is always your decision to choose the help you would like.
One day at a time’: Sarah’s story of spinal cord injury. Sarah Wise’s time living abroad in London was cut short after a serious fall in October 2019. Over a year on, she reflects on what she’s learned and what she wants the world to know about spinal cord injury.
What Australia-wide water bill savings would mean for people with incontinence. The Western Australia water provider led the way in supporting people with incontinence, now it’s time for all of Australia to do the same.
Healthy smoothie to aid gut and bone health. Accredited Practising Dietitian, Milly Smith, has you covered for breakfast with this cool and refreshing smoothie bowl.
Pelvic health through life: pregnancy and childbirth. As you go through life, your body changes with you. Read to find out how significant life events can mean different things for bladder, bowel and pelvic health.
With 6.2 million Australians set to be affected by incontinence by 2030, the Continence Foundation of Australia’s Pre-Budget Submission calls for an urgent action plan.
Pelvic health through life: menstruation. As you go through life, your body changes with you. Read to find out how significant life events can mean different things for bladder, bowel and pelvic health.
This World Sleep Day (19 March 2021), the Continence Foundation of Australia wants all Australians to see if their toilet habits are stopping them from getting a good night’s sleep.
This International Women’s Day (8 March 2021), we celebrate the achievements of women around the world. The day is also a chance to raise awareness and come together for women’s equality. Get involved at the IWD website and #IWD2021 hashtag on social media.
With 6.2 million Australians set to be affected by incontinence by 2030, the Continence Foundation of Australia is saddened that the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety barely rated the need for specialised continence support, education and training in its Final Report.

Last Updated: Tue 19, Apr 2022
Last Reviewed: Tue 17, Mar 2020