This brochure is to help you get ready for a bladder control check up. A bladder control check up includes some questions and a physical check by a doctor or trained health professional. The check up will help find any bladder control problems you have and their causes. The check up may also help to plan the best way to manage these problems. A bladder check up is painless. | 這份資料單張的目的是幫助人們準備好做控尿檢查。 控尿檢查包括由醫生或受過訓練的醫務人員問一些問題及做身體檢查。檢查將有助於找出你是否有控尿問題及其原因,還可以有助於計劃處理這些問題的最好方法。控尿檢查是無痛的。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What are your choices?Every person has a right to a private and personal check up. Your needs and wishes should be respected. People also have a right to say ‘no’ to the check up or to any other care. Choices you have may include:
| 你有哪些選擇?每個人都有權做私密及個人的檢查,你的需求和意願應得到尊重。每個人亦有權對做檢查或任何其他護理說“不”。 你擁有的選擇可能包括︰
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What do you need to do before the check up?You may be asked to keep a bladder diary. You need to keep the diary for at least 3 days. It keeps track of how your bladder works through the day. The bladder diary may look like this:
The bladder diary keeps track of:
| 檢查之前你需要做些甚麼?你可能要寫排尿日記。在檢查之前你需要記下至少3天日記。來記錄你的膀胱在白天是怎樣工作的。 膀胱日記看起來可能像這樣︰
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How do I measure the amount of urine passed? Put a container (like an ice cream container) in the toilet. Now sit on the toilet and relax with your feet on the floor. Pass urine into the container. Then tip the urine into a jug to measure it. Men may want to stand and pass urine directly into a measuring jug. How do I measure urgency? This chart shows how to use a number to describe the urge you felt.
| 怎樣測量尿液排出量? 上廁所時在兩腿間放一個容器(如雪糕盒)。然後坐上馬桶,輕鬆地雙腳?地,將尿液排入容器內。排完之後,將尿液倒入量杯進行測量。男性或會站著將尿液直接排入量杯內。 怎樣測量急迫感? 此圖顯示怎樣使用一個數字來描述你感受到的急迫感。
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How do I measure leaking using a Pad Weight Test? This test helps to work out how much urine you leak over a few days. To do this test you will need some accurate scales for weighing. You do this test by:
This will show how much you have leaked because each gram equals one ml. Like this:
| 怎樣使用護墊重量測試法 (Pad Weight Test) 來測量漏尿量? 此測試可以幫助你計算出在幾天期間的漏尿量。做這個測試你需要一些精確的秤進行稱重,方法可以通過:
這將顯示你的漏尿量,因為每一克等於一毫升。 像這樣︰
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What will happen during the check up?During the check up, you will be asked about your diet and your weight. You will also be asked about your past health and your health now. You may be asked:
Questions for women only:
| 檢查期間會做些甚麼?在檢查期間,你將會被問到關於你的飲食,你的體重,你過去及目前的健康狀況。你可能會被問到:
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Some of the tests that could be used for your bladder control check up include:
| 有些檢測可以用於你的排尿控制檢查,包括︰
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Remember No matter what type of test you are asked to have done, you can ask:
| 記住 無論要求你做甚麼類型的測試,你都可以問:
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Seek helpYou are not alone. Poor bladder and bowel control can be cured or better managed with the right treatment. If you do nothing, it might get worse. Phone expert advisors on the National Continence Helpline for free:
1800 33 00 66 * (8am - 8pm Monday to Friday AEST) To arrange for an interpreter through the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS), phone 13 14 50 Monday to Friday and ask for the National Continence Helpline. Information in other languages is also available from For more information:
* Calls from mobiles are charged at applicable rates. | 尋求幫助你並不孤單。加以正確的治療,排尿和排便控制不良可以治愈或處理得更好。如果你置之不理,問題可能會日益惡化。 致電National Continence Helpline(國家排便節制熱線)專家顧問索取免費︰
熱線電話︰1800 33 00 66 * (週一至週五,澳洲東部標準時間早上8點–晚上8點) 要安排電話傳譯員,請致電TIS(電話傳譯服務)13 14 50週一至週五,並要求接通National Continence Helpline(國家排便節制熱線)。獲取其他語言譯文的資訊,請瀏覽 更多詳情︰
* 用手機打出的電話會收取相應費用。 |
Bladder Control Check Up in Cantonese
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Last Updated: Wed 19, Jul 2023
Last Reviewed: Tue 17, Mar 2020