By Jo Earp, Editor of Teacher. This is an edited version of an article that first appeared in Teacher Magazine, published by ACER. Reproduced with kind permission. Visit for
With Amanda Carmody Amanda Carmody is a registered nurse, child and family health nurse, midwife and paediatric continence nurse. She is based in Queensland, and she uses attachment-based strategies to
By Janie Thompson Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that begins in early childhood. A child with ASD can experience challenges in social communication and social interaction and
National Public Toilet Map Plan your summer holidays with the national public toilet map. Need to take the children to the toilet, change a baby’s nappy or find an accessible
Toilet Training Resources The Continence Foundation of Australia has resources available to help your child reach those important toileting development milestones and gain greater toileting independence. All our resources are
Margaret worked as a nurse continence specialist at Caboolture Community Health in Queensland for many years. People could self-refer to the clinic where they ran a three-month continence treatment program
Persistent Pelvic Pain (PPP) is defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as ''pain in the area of the pelvis, present on most days for more
Trauma can have a profound and long-lasting impact on individuals. If you have experienced a traumatic event in your life, you may benefit from traumainformed care. Many people experience trauma
Many years ago, when I was living in London, I worked with a woman who embarked on the Camino de Santiago solo in Spain. Each week, I would watch as
I am 27 years old and wanted to share my story in the hope that it would help others who are going through a similar experience. I was born in