September is Dementia Awareness Month. Caregiving and managing incontinence is further complicated if the person is affected by dementia. Along with practical difficulties such the person with dementia having problems "holding on", finding the toilet, or even being aware they need to pass urine or emtpy their bowels, depression, stress or anxiety, often associated with dementia, can exaccerbate existing incontinence problems.

The Continence Foundation has a number of resources that aim to help family members and carers manage bladder and bowel control problems of people affected by dementia.

An excellent resource is a six-part video series on managing dementia, delivered by continence nurse Anita Francis.This series of videos can be found by conducting a Dementia search at the Continence Foundation YouTube channel

Another excellent video on our YouTube channel is Incontinence and Dementia in Aged Care, presented by continence nurse advisor, Dr Joan Ostaszkiewicz.

In addition, the fact sheet, Dementia and Bladder and Bowel Control, can be downloaded or ordered from the Resources page on this website.

Along with these resources, continence nurse advisors on the National Continence Helpline (1800 33 00 66) are available weekdays from 8am to 8pm AEST for confidential advice, information and/or referral to your most appropriate continence health service. 
