
A Nurse Continence Specialist is a registered nurse with extensive education and training in continence care. They are able to assess your condition and work with you to develop a management plan to suit your needs. Nurse Continence Specialists may visit you at home or see you in a continence clinic.

A Urology Nurse is a registered nurse with extensive education and training in urology. They often work along side a urologist and can help support you with any bladder or urinary tract treatment you need. Urology Nurses may work in a hospital, urology clinic or with a urology practice.

Practice Nurses are nurses who work from a medical practice. Ask your doctor's surgery if they have a practice nurse who can provide advice and support regarding bladder and bowel problems.

Allied health

Women’s, and Pelvic Health physiotherapists hold post graduate qualifications specialising in continence and pelvic health.  They can assess your pelvic floor function and tailor a management plan to meet your specific needs including for bladder, bowel, pain and sexual function..

Physiotherapists with an interest in men's and women’s health or pelvic health do not hold post graduate qualifications, but may work extensively in this area. They can assess your pelvic floor function and tailor a management plan to meet your specific needs.

Accredited Practicing Dietitians are recognised professionals with the qualifications and skills to provide expert nutrition and dietary advice.

Occupational Therapists work in partnership with other health professionals (and often the family and friends of people with incontinence) to ensure the safety and independence of people with incontinence within and outside their home.   

Pharmacists can offer advice on medications that may cause incontinence or help with bladder and bowel control and management. They may also be able to provide you with continence product advice.


General Practitioners (GPs) can assess, diagnose and treat incontinence. GPs have varying levels of knowledge on incontinence. They may choose to refer you to a continence health professional rather than diagnose and treat your condition themselves, which is an equally effective (and in some cases a more appropriate) option.

If you are seen by a continence health professional, it is important to involve your GP in your care. They possess a good knowledge of your health history including medical conditions and surgery or medications you may have or now be on (which may increase your risk of developing incontinence).

If you are embarrassed to speak to your GP about bladder or bowel problems, try and discuss it at your regular health check, pap smear or prostate examination. You should also discuss the management of other conditions that might be affecting your bladder and bowel control such as asthma, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease , prostate  and arthritis to reduce their impact on your incontinence.

Urologists are surgical specialists who treat people with kidney, bladder and urinary problems. Urologists also care for men’s sexual and reproductive health.

Gynecologists are doctors who specialise in preventing and treating illnesses of the female reproductive organs such as pelvic organ prolapse or female urinary incontinence.

Urogynaecologists are Gynaecologists who have undertaken further advanced specialist training in female pelvic medicine and surgery including pelvic organ prolapse, female urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction.

Geriatricians are doctors who specialise in providing medical care for the older person. They look at your overall health and care needs. They can also have a focus on continence and help with the management of incontinence or bladder and bowel control in the older person.

Gastroenterologists are doctors who specialise in gastrointestinal diseases and are able to investigate and treat the causes and contributing factors to severe bowel dysfunction.

Colorectal Surgeons are surgical specialist who investigate and treat people with diseases to the bowel including the rectum and the anus..


Last Updated: Mon 22, Apr 2024
Last Reviewed: Fri 03, Apr 2020